Sunday, August 10, 2008

Boys...who needs 'em? uhh, We Do

Will i be able to write down the entire process of how I finally realized that God made men as a blessing for himself AND women? No, definitely not. it is a misconception that has plagued me since elementary years on the playground as i stared down each boy with the intent of beating them in whatever game we were playing. They were the competition. I couldn't let BOYS think they were better than me. Yeah, that got me nowhere fast as you can imagine.
But i do, once i figure out this blog posting, want to share minute and major thoughts and tidbits that have helped me understand the importance of me and the respect, love, admiration, and grace they deserve from us women.

written on 7/13/2008:

Before you get any deeper than just friends with a boy, you need to first observe his motivation for what he does. what is this boy relying on to define his worth?
is it looks? is it sports? is it his wonderful charisma that has the ability to leave you blushing in his wake? or is it the LORD? can you know for sure? it takes time. rushing into things will only leave you with stories in which to warn girls younger than you to not do what you did when you were their age;) which shows God can use your past as a blessing in your future, but you're getting nowhere (actually you're sinking) when you give into actions that you already know without a doubt are pure sin.
so, while you are waiting on God's timing, you can look for signs of fruit in this boy's life. these are some godly qualities that i find a necessity in the man i will spend the rest of my life with:
humility, quiet strength, meekness, dependence upon the Lord, honesty, sincerity, patience, perseverance, selflessness, hope, contentment, and an utter and intentional forgetting of self-want.

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