Wednesday, October 1, 2008

God's Mystery- a poem

I do not understand I cannot comprehend I am constantly confounded Your mystery has no end Am I to embrace my confusion? Accept a belief in a God whose mystery strengthens me? I am, Yes, I am. Like a tree in the wind every branch every strand Yes, I am If I fall I become firewood to set the world ablaze feel the heat of Your searing Truth Your soothing Grace as I bask in Your Warmth Yes, I am.

1 comment:

Devin Mork said...

AAH, Allyssa, what a gift you give to us and bring to your Lord. Thank you for these so personal postings, I am truly ministered to and blessed. You express truth from the heart that each of us recognize and come to expose through your words. Thanks,
Love, Meredith Mork